During their time at Kirk Ella the children are taught using the White Rose maths scheme as an approach to teaching and ensures a consistency to their learning. This resource provides us with the resources we require and gives us a foundation to build on. The overview of the curriculum is below.
The school is part of a Maths Hub of experienced teachers which enables us to develop our teaching and to share good practice. This Hub looks at the current primary maths curriculum and looks at ways to develop mastery approaches to maths. This approach encourages the children to use their thinking skills and to consolidate their learning in a range of different ways and therefore cementing the children’s knowledge and understanding.
Doodle Maths
Every child is given a Doodle username and password which is an online maths program for the children to practice and learn. This is used for homework by class teachers and certificates are given for those children who work hard. Children are encouraged to work little and often as the programme adapts the learning as the children progress.
Please use the links below if you would like to find out more.