Online Safety

What are the issues?

The internet – on the whole is an inspiring and positive place.

The internet is an amazing resource which enables children and young people to connect, communicate and be creative in a number of different ways, on a range of devices.

However, the internet is always changing, and being able to keep up to date with your children’s use of technology can be a challenge.

You may sometimes feel that your children have better technical skills than you do, however children and young people still need advice and protection when it comes to managing their lives online.

Issues that your child may encounter on the internet will vary depending on their age and online activities.

School policies:

Remote Learning:

Tips and advice for children, parents & carers:

Parental controls:

Children are using devices at a younger age so it’s important to consider setting controls on their tech, or on any devices that you are letting them borrow from you. We’ve pulled together a number of guides to give you simple steps to set controls on a range of devices.

E-Safety Tips for Parents is a not-for-profit organisation that has a simple purpose – to help keep children safe in the digital world.

KC Parental Internet Settings

KCOM Parental controls lets you choose how much of the internet you would like you and your family to see. It’s easy to set up and will help you make sure that your family is safe using the internet in your home.

Choose an age profile between 1 – 6, 7 – 11, 12 – 15, 16 – 18 to control the amount of the internet you see. You can even personalise your profile to suit your family.

Switch them on now by clicking here. It’s simple, safe and free for all KCOM broadband customers.

Organisations and websites offering further information and support for online safety:

Be Share Aware –
Keep your child safe online

We tell our children it’s good to share – but online it’s different. In fact sometimes sharing online can be dangerous. Being Share Aware will help keep your child safe online.

Watch and share a short film and take a look at some straightforward advice that will untangle the web, and give parents confidence in talking to their children about how to stay safe online.

Comprehensive Personal Development: The school offers a comprehensive personal, social, and health education curriculum that includes opportunities for pupils to explore life in modern Britain.


Empowered Staff: Subject leaders are knowledgeable and passionate, inspiring teachers and delivering exceptional physical education where pupils engage in precise learning activities and enjoy success in inter- and intra-school events.


Reading Focus: The school has prioritized developing a love of reading among pupils, creating a literature-rich environment and supporting pupils to become confident, fluent readers.


Strong Early Years Provision: The early years curriculum is well-planned, supporting and challenging children’s interests, with a clear focus on personal, social, and emotional development.


Ambitious Curriculum: The school offers a broad and ambitious curriculum that helps pupils deepen their knowledge and prepares them well for the next stage of their education.


Caring Environment: Staff care for pupils well, providing an ambitious learning environment where pupils feel safe and supported by trusted adults.


Supportive Leadership: Staff are positive about the school’s leaders and the professional support they receive. Governors and representatives of the local authority know the school well and bring valuable skills to their roles.


Positive Attitudes: Pupils are eager to learn and have positive attitudes towards their lessons, with a calm and purposeful atmosphere evident in classrooms.


Effective Mathematics Curriculum: The recently refreshed mathematics curriculum is well-planned, helping pupils build their understanding with regular opportunities to recap knowledge and address misconceptions.


Effective Safeguarding: Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with well-trained staff who know the pupils and community well, reporting concerns in a timely manner and working successfully with external agencies to support pupils and their families.
