Religious Education at Kirk Ella St Andrew’s Primary School

At Kirk Ella St. Andrew’s Community Primary School we believe Religious Education to be integral to the development of our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Through our teaching of Religious Education, we want to promote respect and open-mindedness towards others regardless of their faith and beliefs. Through an enquiry-based approach, we aim to help pupils to investigate a diverse range of issues, developing their understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influence of different faiths and worldviews to equip them to find a sense of belonging with the local, national and international community.

RE will be taught each week or blocked together into meaningful units of work and follows the current East Riding Agreed Syllabus. Each unit of work builds upon previous learning and provides an extension onto the next unit. The children will be taught a range of themes through the lens of Social Sciences, Theology and Philosophy and this will encompass a variety of religious faiths and world views in an enquiry-based approach where learners are encouraged to find out how different issues in life can be viewed. The children are also helped to make their own personal learning journey in RE from Foundation to Year 6, revisiting themes and building on prior knowledge as they progress in order to develop an accurate knowledge of the complexity and diversity of different faith and world views.

The impact of our curriculum will be evident in the children’s work and also through discussion with them during Pupil Voice sessions. This will then inform the planning of the next units of work so that knowledge is built upon layer by layer as they progress through their primary years. Judgements will be made as to how much confidence a child has developed as they undertake their journey at different stages so that by the time pupils leave in Year 6 they should have accessed a broad range of religious and world views, giving them a solid base for further developing their tolerance and understanding of the diverse society in which we live.

The Religious Education Curriculum Overview (Jan 2020)