

Building respect, resilience & responsibility to encourage confident and questioning children who love learning.

Class Dojo

If you need further information about using ClassDojo, please contact your class teacher who will be able to guide you.

Online safety

We have a dedicated webpage that shows a wide selection of advice for children, parents and carers on the safe use of technology and the internet.

Our vision

We strive to encourage all our pupils to aspire to the highest levels of academic, social and physical achievements so that they will develop independence, confidence in themselves as individuals, fulfil their true potential and, in doing so, make a positive difference to the lives of others and our wider community.

Our aims

We want the pupils of Kirk Ella St Andrew’s Community School to:

  • Have a love for learning

  • Independent in their thinking

  • Show respect and care for others and value themselves

  • Be confident and responsible members of the community

  • To develop excellent life skills

  • To develop Resilience

  • Be ready to take on new challenges

  • Established a good work ethic

  • Build happy memories and a feeling of pride

  • Achieve their very best