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Subject information – Music

The Power of Music.

Music is all around us. It is the soundtrack to our lives. Music connects us through people and places in our ever-changing world. It is creative, collaborative, celebratory and challenging. In our schools, music can bring communities together through the shared endeavour of whole-school singing, ensemble playing, experimenting with the creative process and, through the love of listening to friends and fellow pupils, performing. The sheer joy of music making can feed the soul of a school community, enriching each student while strengthening the shared bonds of support and trust which make a great school. (Model Music Curriculum 2021)

Music teaching at Kirk Ella St Andrew’s follows the National Curriculum objectives and by Year 6, follows the Model Music Curriculum to enable pupils to prepare for Secondary School Music lessons. Music lessons at our school aim to provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum, ensuring the progressive development of musical concepts, knowledge and skills. The main areas of the curriculum are:

· Singing

· Listening

· Composing

· Performing/Instrumental performance

Within these 4 areas, the aims of our Music Curriculum are to develop pupils who:

· Enjoy and have an appreciation of music.

· Listen to and appraise a range of genres, traditions and historical time periods.

· Can sing and use their voices effectively.

· Create, improvise and compose music, both on their own and with others.

· Use a range of musical language.

· Take part in performances with an awareness of audience.

Teachers deliver the requirements the Music Curriculum through use of the Charanga scheme of work and topic led musical activities. The Music Lead has also ensured a progression of skills through the Music Long Term Plan.

SEND children are planned for and children of all abilities are catered for through the Charanga planning tool. Lessons are delivered weekly or taught in blocks. Each lesson delivered through the Charanga planning usually follows a specific learning sequence:

· Listen and Appraise

· Musical activities – including rhythm and pulse

· Singing and Voice

· Playing instruments

· Improvising and Composing

· Perform and Share

As well as untuned instruments, children learn to play tuned instruments within music lessons: EYFS- Year 4 – Glockenspiels. Year 5 – Ukeleles and Year 6 – Keyboards. Our long term plan ensures a full progression of the teaching of tuned instruments.

The Schools’ Music Service provides Violin and Guitar lessons to KS2 children. The children are given opportunities to join the School Choir – Y2 to Y6 and/or our Musical Theatre Club – Y4 to Y6.

Children have various opportunities to perform at Kirk Ella St Andrew’s:

Nativities – EYFS &Y1, Singing assemblies, Harvest assemblies, Christmas services, Christmas Class songs and Easter services. The Year 6 children also take part in a Leavers’ performance. The children from Musical Theatre Club and the Choir also have the opportunity to perform to their families twice a year. Children who take Violin and Guitar lesson perform to their families in the summer term. The School Choir performs at a variety of events throughout the year and children from both KS1 and KS2 have been given the opportunity to perform at various events such as: The Brid Big Sing, Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance, Opera North, Young Voices and The Virtual Big Sing.

The impact of the music curriculum is measured through:

· Pupil voice discussions

· Governor discussions/monitoring

· Video assessment evidence, using the same song to measure progression.

· Photo/ video evidence of children playing tuned instruments after a sequence of lessons.

· Using assessment sheets to assess progress and ways forward.

· Music leader time/observation and assessment.

The impact of our music curriculum is also measured by the uptake of our music extra-curricular clubs and also the uptake of our peripatetic lessons.

Further information:

Effective Mathematics Curriculum: The recently refreshed mathematics curriculum is well-planned, helping pupils build their understanding with regular opportunities to recap knowledge and address misconceptions.


Supportive Leadership: Staff are positive about the school’s leaders and the professional support they receive. Governors and representatives of the local authority know the school well and bring valuable skills to their roles.


Effective Safeguarding: Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with well-trained staff who know the pupils and community well, reporting concerns in a timely manner and working successfully with external agencies to support pupils and their families.


Ambitious Curriculum: The school offers a broad and ambitious curriculum that helps pupils deepen their knowledge and prepares them well for the next stage of their education.


Strong Early Years Provision: The early years curriculum is well-planned, supporting and challenging children’s interests, with a clear focus on personal, social, and emotional development.


Empowered Staff: Subject leaders are knowledgeable and passionate, inspiring teachers and delivering exceptional physical education where pupils engage in precise learning activities and enjoy success in inter- and intra-school events.


Positive Attitudes: Pupils are eager to learn and have positive attitudes towards their lessons, with a calm and purposeful atmosphere evident in classrooms.


Comprehensive Personal Development: The school offers a comprehensive personal, social, and health education curriculum that includes opportunities for pupils to explore life in modern Britain.


Reading Focus: The school has prioritized developing a love of reading among pupils, creating a literature-rich environment and supporting pupils to become confident, fluent readers.


Caring Environment: Staff care for pupils well, providing an ambitious learning environment where pupils feel safe and supported by trusted adults.
